

~Imported wine and imported food sales~


F-time offers Halal-certified foods from overseas, which are made to minimize the number of people who cannot eat them due to cultural or religious reasons, and wines directly imported from abroad with the utmost care.

- Wine Inport -

Direct import of excellent wines from around the world, carefully selected each season.

- Pick up -

Radacini Wines awarded by the Moldova Best Winery from the "Republic of Moldova", the western neighbor of Ukraine.
We started handling this product in order to support them in this tough situation.

Blanc De Cabernet

Blanc de Cabernet Sparkling

Merlot Rose

Reserve RED

Reserve WHITE

Fiori Feteasca Neagra

Why not take this opportunity to acquire some of the world's finest wines that are not available in Japan? If you are interested, please visit our EC site.

- Blue Elephant -

【Halal and Thailand select certified】
Thailand Premium Cooking Set

- Pick up -

We carry Thai Curry Cooking Sets produced by Blue Elephant, a high-end Thai restaurant.
You can easily reproduce fine restaurant cuisine at home as if you were the chef.

Massaman Curry

Red Curry

Yellow Curry

Green Curry

We also offer a carefully selection range of other products.
If you are interested, please visit our e-commerce site.

English (UK)